Museum of Resistance and Resilience

Praxis #3 Reflection

Your reflection should demonstrate awareness about the key issues in the course and Praxis 3 (e.g., social/racial justice, the complexities of identity and differences, multimedia interventions, visible and hidden histories, Afro-futurism). You might also consider questions such as: How did building a collective manifesto change the way you thought about media making?  How do “imagined futures” such as Afro-futurism help in creating social change?  How does multimedia help you enhance or expand your argument and/or story|world? How did the process of collaboration work in regard to imagining possibilities for your posts?  Did the group generate ideas you had not thought of?  How do you think that engaging with our Manifesto of Future Resistance and Resilience might affect users in terms of:  a) awareness b) dialogue c) social change d) imagined futures?

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