Museum of Resistance and Resilience

Malia Dollaga- Praxis 3 Reflection


Throughout Praxis 3, I have learned a lot about multimedia as well as how to work on multimedia projects as a group.  I have also learned about what it means to write a manifesto and what drives writing them.

I’ve done a lot of reading and viewing the last few weeks, including the graphic novel version of Kindred, Afrofuturism, and the movie Black Panther. These readings and viewings have opened my eyes to things like black power, racial inequality, black representation, and slavery. I was also able to see these concepts through different media forms, such as graphic novels, novels, movies, and also manifestos. 

Reading the manifestos was super interesting as well as a learning experience. When I found out we were creating manifestos for this class, I wasn’t really sure what that meant. Through reading the manifestos for the readings, I started to understand what that meant, and why people write manifestos, how they’re structured etc. Through seeing the multimedia and then the manifestos, I started to get an idea of how I’d do my projects each week. 

Having the opportunity to work in groups for something like this was a very unique experience. Everyone in my groups had different specialities, whether that be film, sound, graphic design, writing, etc. This led us to be able to all share really creative and unique ideas and then from there decide what we wanted to do each week. It’s truly a unique privilege to be able to do multimedia projects with some of the most creative multimedia artists in the world, and a privilege I’m very grateful to have. Each week, my group and I split up the work differently and my group members always made each other feel encouraged to express themselves artistically, sometimes in ways they weren’t super familiar with. 

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