Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

English House

Located at Mohrenstraße 49, adjacent to Gendarmenmarkt. “Das Englische Haus” was a very fashionable private dining establishment in Berlin. It was originally owned and operated by Adolf Huster, “Hof-Traiteur Seiner Majestät des Kaisers und Königs” [Cook to his Majesty the Kaiser and King], an official title granted by the Kaiser. After his retirement, ownership changed into the hands of Max Huster and Ernst Brandt. In her book Berlin zur Zeit Bebels und Bismarcks (Berlin: Dietz Verlag [DDR], 1976), Annemarie Lange describes the place as a very exclusive establishment: “Die besten Kreise Berlins feierten bei Huster, dessen auf große Gesellschaften eingerichtete ‘Stadtküche’ zur unentbehrlichen Einrichtung selbst des Hofes geworden war; in seinem ‘Englischen Haus’ in der Mohrenstraße feierte die ‘gute Gesellschaft’ und gab sich die Hautevolee von Industrie und Börse glänzende Feste” (507-508). [The best circles of Berlin’s society held their banquets and festivities at Huster’s, whose ‘city kitchen’, designed to accommodate large groups of people, had become an indispensable institution even for members of the Court; in Huster’s ‘English House’ at Mohrenstraße, the city’s ‘elite’ and the leaders of industry and finance threw magnificent parties for each other.] | Source: Rabelais Bookseller, “Catalog for the Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair 2015.“

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