Week 4 Matthew Dedes - Holocene State
Image 1: Conceptualising the theory of Holocene states can be identified through a variety of differing definitions. Whether a Holocene state is in fact an inevitable end is subject to the way in which humanity corresponds and listens to the natural world. A Holocene state identifies the way in which humanity, aids and embeds the destruction of our natural landscape, often at the forefront of greed, money or power. Big corporations have taken over miniscule towns or high natural areas, polluting and dropping waste as they please. This image examines nature and humanities relationship, with the boundaries of man exceeding the limitations of our natural landscape. The person at the forefront of the image will soon no longer be able to walk along that road, depicted through the dark colours and the sun slowly going down, representing the end of time for humanity.
Image 2: The theory surrounding a Holocene state, incurs the rapid proliferation and shift toward technology in which humanity has brought upon its natural landscape. One of the key areas surrounding a Holocene state is the development of Global warming. The picture above outlines the Holocene state occurring over the vast majority of years which has been sped up due to Global warming. This picture shows the effects in which it is having, melting away our polar ice caps at a much quicker rate, over time.
Image 3: Following on from the previous two photos, I thought it was necessary to compare the rapid proliferation of humanity’s impact on our natural world. The image above corresponds within the theory of a Holocene state, as a 21st century rendition of our so called, “Natural world”. The demands of man have taken over the simplicity and beauty of our natural landscape, leaving us with more and more natural issues which are suddenly being sped up throughout time. The shift toward technology and urban living is at the forefront of such significant natural downfall. Is it really necessary?