Matthew Dedes - Week 3
During week 3 I engaged creatively with the theme of a Holocene state. The reason as to why such a scientific concept grabbed my attention, was due to the issues surrounding 21st century life. Studying eco-systems and understanding the way in which literature and humanity strive due to the importance of nature, made me think this concept was one I wished to engage creatively with. This concept also gave an insight into certain pieces of literature which invoke the importance of indigenous peoples and the way in which they lived harmoniously and beautifully with the land.
- Bortolin, E., Weschenfelder, J., & Cooper, A. (2019). Holocene Evolution of Patos Lagoon, Brazil: The Role of Antecedent Topography. Journal of Coastal Research,35(2), 357-368. Retrieved April 27, 2021, from
- Polissar, P., Abbott, M., Wolfe, A., Vuille, M., & Bezada, M. (2013). Synchronous interhemispheric Holocene climate trends in the tropical Andes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,110(36), 14551-14556. Retrieved April 27, 2021, from