Mother Earth and Resource Extraction: Women Defending Land and Water

Campaigns in Canada

Please note that link descriptions are taken from their original source.
Current, ongoing, and previous campaigns.

Land Back: A Yellowhead Institute Red Paper
The project of land back is about reclaiming Indigenous jurisdiction: breathing life into rights and responsibilities. This Red Paper is about how Canada dispossesses Indigenous peoples from the land, and in turn, what communities are doing to get it back.

Reclaim Turtle Island
Reclaim Turtle Island is dedicated to spreading the word on the Indigenous Insurrection in 2014, and we look forward to continue to lift up one another’s voices on the frontlines against colonial-capitalism, reservation apartheid and industrial genocide.

Sacred Headwaters
In a remote corner of northern British Columbia lies the Sacred Headwaters, a vast alpine basin that is the shared birthplace of the Skeena, Nass and Stikine Rivers. Royal Dutch Shell wants to drill more than 1,000 coalbed methane gas wells in the Sacred Headwaters, threatening communities, wildlife and wild salmon. Fortune Minerals wants to turn Mount Klappan into an open pit coal mine. Concerned citizens from around the world are calling for steps to safeguard the Sacred Headwaters from Shell and Fortune Minerals.

Save Peace River Valley: Stop Site C Dam
There is only one Peace River valley, and its soils, habitat and beauty can never be regained once it has been dammed and flooded. Such a loss should only be incurred if it is demonstrably clear that the larger public good will be served by that loss - if, in plain terms, it is absolutely necessary to do so. And the PVEA submits that BC Hydro has failed to meet that test. By any objective measure, the Site C dam is not needed, and is not the most cost-effective and least environmentally damaging means of meeting BC's future energy needs.

Spirit of the Buffalo Camp
Peaceful land defence against the Line 3 pipeline.

Stop Line 3
Line 3 is a pipeline expansion to bring nearly a million barrels of tar sands per day from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin.

Teztan Biny
Teztan Biny, Yanah Biny and Nabas are in a remote and beautiful area of profound cultural and spiritual importance to the Tsilhqot’in Nation. The area is very close to the salmon-rich Dasiqox, and it also provides critical wetlands and lake habitat for wild rainbow trout, moose, grizzly bear, and many other mammals and migratory birds. However, its lakes and rivers, and our Tsilhqot'in way of life are threatened by a proposal for a huge, open-pit copper-and-gold mine called the New Prosperity Mine.

The Gold Mine Conversation
Learn about the St. Mary's River Association's efforts to restore the St. Mary's watershed and the organization's efforts to protect this thriving ecosystem from gold mining. 

Toxic Legacies Project
The Toxic Legacies Project is a response to the Canadian government’s Giant Mine Remediation Project to freeze arsenic underground in perpetuity, a project that has recently undergone an extensive environmental assessment.

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