Mother Earth and Resource Extraction: Women Defending Land and Water

Campaigns in Latin America

Leer la versión en español de este contenido: Campañas en América Latina.

Please note that link descriptions are taken from their original source.

Choc vs Hudbay
Lawsuits against Canadian company HudBay Minerals Inc. over human rights abuse in Guatemala.

Creativity and resisting in the face of the threat of mining

In this microsite, dedicated to the creative activities of the communities that fight against mining in Oaxaca, there are multimedia materials that show the strength as well as the alternatives that communities create as a means or resistance.

Fuera Mineral San Rafael
Since 2011, Xinka and campesino communities in southeastern Guatemala have organized to peacefully oppose the Escobal silver mine — imposed without their consent. Their powerful direct action, paired with an order from Guatemala’s top court, has successfully suspended operations since mid-2017.

Land of Resistants
Defending the jungles, mountains, forests and rivers of Latin America has never been this dangerous. Six of the ten most hostile countries for leaders and communities defending the environment and their ancestral lands are located in Latin America.

Radio Campaign: Feminists for the Defense of Territory and Waters
In different latitudes and socio-political contexts, women and gender nonconforming people are the protagonists of the fight for the defense of nature. Feminism today is the banner of resistance to patriarchal and extractivist economies that strip territories and their peoples of the natural commons.
Rexistir [A play on the words resistance and existence]: Weaving Bodies Territories
REXISTIR reflects the sense of the historical RESISTANCE of peoples and women in the face of the capitalist and patriarchal way of life and the effects of the socio-environmental destruction it generates. A resistance that DEFENDS other dignified, fair and harmonious ways of life between humanity and nature, between genders and between peoples, with which processes of organization and defense of women's rights against violence are created. We understand that weaving from our bodies-territories in Latin America, is to RESIST the new colonization of extractivism, claiming our memories, struggles and alternatives of “buen vivir” as women, is therefore to create a new world, it is to REXISTIR.

Seeds of Change Defenders
The campaign is aimed at bringing to the forefront the work and achievements of women defenders, beyond the obstacles, violence and adverse, structural and circumstantial contexts they face as women and human rights defenders.

We Achieve More, Together
This space was created by women land defenders from 16 states of Mexico. Our intention is to connect more women who fight for life against extractive violence in the country, through stories, art and self-care, to strengthen them and enhance their work. Here you will find relevant information on extractive violence as well as audiovisual and written materials that we have created to make visible the role of women in the defense of territory.


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