12016-04-10T19:55:52-07:00Xilan Kong62207e0e2eaa19d5659b15878605683b20e199fe918611The Changing of Conceptsgallery2016-04-18T05:00:01-07:00Xilan Kong62207e0e2eaa19d5659b15878605683b20e199fe
However, as people start to define “beauty” in their own way, the advertisements now cut down on their scripts. Instead of long, straightforward introduction about their products, they now only provide us with ambiguous pictures so that we can decode them diversely.
Advertisements are not just about products, it's more about concepts. For example, an advertisement could intend to sell the concept of "branding".
Since Adolphus Green initiated the idea of branding in 1890s, the brand merchandising becomes another determined factor of advertising. Branding often uses a logo or tag line to leave impression in the consumer's mind thus attract their attention. (“Branding”)
Among the 1980s advertisements from the digital archive, three of them appeared to belong to the same brand, CHANEL. All of them had a giant Chanel logo stands out in the advertisement.
Branding strategy is still used by advertising now. Before consumers enter the store, the big sign of “The Face Shop” already set up a sense of brand in their minds.
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12016-04-11T10:44:13-07:00Xilan Kong62207e0e2eaa19d5659b15878605683b20e199feThe History of Makeup AdvertisingXilan Kong6By Xilan Kongsplash2016-04-18T05:23:45-07:00Xilan Kong62207e0e2eaa19d5659b15878605683b20e199fe