Globalization: As an international makeup company, The Face Shop manages to advertise in another culture. It overcomes the tackles of discursive tools such as encoding the same meanings, which is to merchandise the products among multi-languages speakers. From the picture of its CHIA SEED product we can see that all the words were in both Korean and English.
This phenomenon is different from that of the digital archive because we can only find English as a constant language throughout the whole exhibition. This difference tells us that the advertising industry is much more globalized than before. It no longer only serves for local citizens but instead focus on a wide range of consumers overseas from another culture.
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12016-04-11T10:44:13-07:00Xilan Kong62207e0e2eaa19d5659b15878605683b20e199feThe History of Makeup AdvertisingXilan Kong6By Xilan Kongsplash2016-04-18T05:23:45-07:00Xilan Kong62207e0e2eaa19d5659b15878605683b20e199fe
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12016-04-09T19:28:30-07:00The Face Shop 21media/rsz_img20160405183327.jpgplain2016-04-09T19:28:30-07:00