Literacy Narrative Reflection
Stephanie Castillo
Professor Warner
September 16,2017
The essay focuses on how technology has a negative affect when trying to do productive activities. Technology is all around us, we use it every day for almost everything now to get by. Technology has become a part of our lifestyle and it is an important topic to touch upon. When writing about this subject I hoped to portray the negative effects technology has on us and how even when we try to use technology productively, we can easily get off track. Technology is everywhere meaning we all use it, from phones to television, to computer and more. Technology can be found anywhere around the world. This goes for everyone because we all have been able to use different types of technology. Since we have all been able to use technology at some point one can have the idea and connect. The essay was focused to general audience since not only one specific group of individuals are effected by technology. I believe my audience and I share our different beliefs. For some who read my essay it may not connect to them but, while to others it might be more connected to them then I would have thought. I hope to share my opinion with those who read my essay, even if we don’t have the same opinion I would like to know their thoughts as well. I hope my essay achieved what I wanted it to when someone read it and felt like they could relate to it when they did.