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The author of this work (the "Author") provides https://scalar.usc.edu/works/let-me-get-there and its subdomains (the "Websites") in support of the Author's mission to help document, visualize and understand the era of mass migration. By accessing the Websites, users agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions, which the Author may revise from time to time. Users are encouraged to visit this page periodically to review current terms and conditions.

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Louis Takács


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This terms of use and copyright statement is modeled on the Philadelphia Museum of Fine Art's Copyright Policy.

NOTE: if you are an educator and wish to use some part of "Let Get There" in your course curriculum, that's awesome. Just let me know what you're up to at takacslouis[at]gmail.com.

Preferred citation

If you'd like to cite part of this work in your own publication, website or project, here's my preferred citation:

Takács, Louis. “Let Me Get There: Visualizing Immigrants, Transnational Migrations and U.S. Citizens Abroad, 1904–1925,” Alliance for Networking Visual Culture, accessed xxxx xx, 202x.

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