12019-04-23T07:59:06-07:00Louis Takács7841be6ee4f860ae11fdabc342ec4865ab90e4c0160623"The Gypsies claimed to be Servians at the jail last night, and, in fact, speak the Servian language. They gave as their names Milan, John and Stivan Stevanovich and Risto and Dunchan Carish. The women are still at large but it is supposed they will go away with the men if the latter are floated. The men claimed last night that they came here with fifteen horses, and still have four. The women have all the money."plain2021-10-21T10:51:35-07:00Servian Gypsies camp raided. (1907, June 28). The Butte Miner, p. 11907Butte, MontanaLouis Takács7841be6ee4f860ae11fdabc342ec4865ab90e4c0