Overcoming' Race with Jazz

Peer Review

Reviewed by

From the Club to the Classroom: Jazz Education through the Ages


Content Displayed

Research question presented well and clear in the Table of Contents page.

Organization through pages is logical and builds thematically.

Embedded Wikipedia pages from timeline maybe redundant.



Good visualization, yet may too complicated.

Individual image pages could be hidden from the layout.



Music autoplay gets annoying.

Good images to supplement text.  

Timeline feature is well presented.

The transcript media player is impressive in content pages.

Embedded image on Self teaching page has unnecessary iframe scrollbar.



Organization throughout entire hierarchy of project is complicated.  

Difficult to navigate back to main pages, which we understand as the feature of the Scalar.


Sustainability and Growth

Process page is good.


Academic Importance

Digital Humanities research page is useful and puts the project in context.  

Research question is presented in a compelling way the describes the importance of the research in a broader scope.



Citation page is annotated and describes research and sources well.

Resource page links page to other projects and situates the research.

This page has paths: