Digital Humanities
Due to incessant development of technology, there is no longer separation between the digital world and the humanities world. They are becoming seamlessly intertwined, thus making the traditional definition of Digital Humanities that considers the use of computers to aid humanities research as obsolete. In today’s world all research is impacted by digital innovations. A more modern definition of Digital humanities must incorporate the discussions necessitated by this re-shaping of the meaning and value of scholarship.
The focus of the field of study must pertain to the revolution of scholarship made possible by the digital. The academic world has been made more accessible, malleable, and pervasive through the collaboration of interdisciplinary experts through the internet. The ability for different subject areas to blend and create new theories is a quintessential aspect of the digital humanities and is done effectively through collaboration. The Digital Humanities can be deemed an independent field of academia because of new questions about society and technology that mark a revolution of scholarship.
Although Digital Humanities as a discipline is still in large dispute, there is one thing we are sure about, and that’s the ideology and approach taken by DH researchers.
In this project, we incorporate the digital technologies which were unconventional in traditional humanities research. Further more, one major issue faced by traditional humanities scholars is the lack of platform to display, or demonstrate their research. DH researchers, on the other hand, took the advantage of the rapid growing internet and virtual platform, such as the Scalar, a scholar web platform developed by University of Southern California, which provides digital tools to help DH reserchers display their research through multi-media narrative.
We used Scalar’s built-in tools such as GIS, timeline, and metadata tagging and organization. We also hacked a bit to embed a transcript media player, and uploaded music and images to better the reading experience.
If we’re granted with labor, time and funding, it’s likely we will do a embedable AI built with JavaScript. What it does, is allowing the readers to type in their questions, and based on questions, select a suitable answer from the interviews from the grand Fillius Jazz Archieve. It’s not realized by now, since we will have to cut every single, or at least, huge amount of interviews into clips, and organized them, link them to the questions. It contains methods of, as we believe, Artifical Intelligence and metadata organization.