It's HERO Time: The Best Looking HERO Cards in Yu-Gi-OhMain MenuHERO's ruleSome of the best looking Yu-Gi-Oh cards I have ever seenFusion MonstersFusion monsters let you fuse HERO strategies!Quick-Play Spell CardsThese allow Masked HEROs to keep up with the competition!Destiny HEROsDestiny HEROs foresaw you coming to this page!Elemental HEROsThe original HERO archetype that made the whole thing happen!Evil HEROsEvil HEROs give Elemental HEROs a more sinister feel!Masked HEROsMasked HEROs are a nice Change from the originals!Vision HEROsVision HEROs really let you see the potential in a HERO deck!Xtra HEROsXtra HEROs gave HEROs the extra boost they needed to be great!Brian A Zabawa02e3d54f75bf02b8277e6786d60eb560eec8d8cb
Xtra HERO Wonder Driver
1media/Xtra_Hero_WonderDriver_thumb.jpg2019-12-11T17:14:45-08:00Brian A Zabawa02e3d54f75bf02b8277e6786d60eb560eec8d8cb359852Xtra HERO Wonder Driver came out at around the same time as Xtra HERO Dread Decimator and Elemental HERO Solid Soldier. Wonder Driver is a link monster that helps you recycle the fusion spells that HEROs need to play. When a monster is summoned to a zone that one of his arrows points to he can set a fusion spell from the graveyard to the field. This is extremely useful against certain strategies because it allows you to play longer then them. Wonder Driver has a very cool look. The helmet is very unique , even among HEROs, since it comes to a point on only one side. Also the background is very unique creating a galaxy of sorts. The amazing color scheme tops it off with black, blue, hints of gold, and hints of a glowing blue.plain2019-12-12T20:15:47-08:00Trading CardYugioh CardExtra Deck MonsterXtra HEROOctober 4, 2018Kazuki TakahashiBrian A Zabawa02e3d54f75bf02b8277e6786d60eb560eec8d8cb
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12019-12-12T18:59:12-08:00Brian A Zabawa02e3d54f75bf02b8277e6786d60eb560eec8d8cbXtra HEROsBrian A Zabawa2Xtra HEROs gave HEROs the extra boost they needed to be great!structured_gallery2019-12-12T19:31:29-08:00Brian A Zabawa02e3d54f75bf02b8277e6786d60eb560eec8d8cb