(I)PFW WOST @ 50: Herstory in Progress: The Fiftieth Anniversary of Women’s Studies at (I)PFW

The WOST Communit(ies) Tell Their Stories: Include Yours in the Living Archive

Include yourself in the story of women’s studies at (I)PFW! do you have memories or memorabilia you would like to contribute to the WOST 50th anniversary community archive?  We are collecting images and stories of the WOST community’s first fifty years in History Harvests (digitally photographing memorabilia and collecting interviews) around Women's History Month 2023, so please be on the lookout for more information about the opportunity to include your story in the women’s studies public history of (I)PFW!

If you would like to contribute your story and/or digital images of your memorabilia, please fill out the following so we can contact you with further information:


Questions?  Please contact Deanna Wooley at wooleyd@pfw.edu or the Women's Studies home at wost@pfw.edu.  Please indicate in the subject line that you are interested in information about the History Harvests for WHM 2023. 

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