(I)PFW WOST @ 50: Herstory in Progress: The Fiftieth Anniversary of Women’s Studies at (I)PFW

Events and Speakers: The Community of Knowledge Supporting WOST

Since its inception, WOST has been hosting university and community events to share our knowledge and provoke thought. The gallery above show photos and flyers of some of WOST many hosted conferences, lectures, performances, and events. 

Women's History Month

Since the first WHM program was held in ***, the marquee programming for the Women's Studies community each year has been the  Women's History Month, held in March of every year. The focal point for the women's studies calendar, programming has traditionally included  events such as the ONE Book Speaker;  workshops and discussions on special themes; and film screenings at local cinemas featuring the latest domestic and international cinema on women's studies.

Brown Bag Lunch Series

A favorite format for departments at (I)PFW to connect students and faculty with researchers and community leaders in an informal setting to discuss the latest work being done in a particular field.  Brown Bag Lunch speakers have included *****

Women's Film at


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