This page was created by Dakota Firsich.  The last update was by Beth South.

Indiana University East Faculty: Retired and Past Faculty

Cathy Foos

Dr. Catherine Ludlum Foos is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at IU East. Dr.Foos received her B.A. in  Philosophy at Boston College in 1982. She received her M.A. in Philosophy at Northwestern University in 1985 and then her Ph.D. at the same university in 1993. Her current research interests include Ethics, Plato, Levinas, and service-Learning.  

Select publications, achievements, and awards: 

Ludlum Foos, C. (2004). Hatred and objectivity: “I’m not prejudiced, but . . .” Humanity and Society,28:1,

Ludlum Foos, C. (1998). The “different voice” of service. Michigan Journal of Community
Service Learning, 5, 14-21.

Ludlum Foos, C. & Hatcher, J. A. (Eds). (1999). Service learning workshop curriculum guide. Indianapolis:
Indiana Campus Compact.

Thomas Ehrlich Award for Service Learning, 2001 (Indiana University)

Brian Douglas Hiltunen Faculty Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Scholarship of Engagement,
2000 (Indiana Campus Compact)

Cathy Foos in Student News:

Faculty Profiles, Indiana University East,

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