Ideas in Antiquity--Leadership in the Ancient World: From Telemachus to T'Challa


Class Participation and Attendance (30%)

This category includes arriving to class on time, remaining for the duration of class, and remaining engaged with whatever the class is doing for the duration of class time (e.g., not surfing the internet, texting, sleeping, or consulting other media unrelated to the course). Students who seek to earn an A in this category should engage in the following behaviors (which are in many ways also leadership behaviors):

Weekly Journals (30%)

Each week students will write a journal that captures that week's activity. Journals should include a summary of what is discussed in class, answers to the questions and surveys posted on the weekly assignments, and updates on the check-ins with their "leadership workout partners" (see below).

Each week students will turn in a link to their journal entry on the designated folder on Blackboard under Tools: Journals: Weekly Journal Entry X.

The journal will be organized according to the date and time of each study activity (including in-class activity). Under these date/time headings you should record a summary of your study activity as well as the answers to the questions that are posed on the course schedule. Journals that earn an A are typically in the 7-minute range (Note that Medium measures entries based on how long it takes to read them. This piece, for example, takes an estimated 21 minutes.) Journal entries that are well-written and longer than seven minutes are eligible for extra credit.

Weekly check-ins with your "leadership workout partners"
Just as it is helpful to have workout partners to help us stay motivated, give us encouragement, and provide guidance on how to improve, in this course everyone will have at least two "leadership workout partners." You will meet with your workout partners once per week (in person or over the phone). In your weekly journal updates you will provide a summary of your check-in. 

In your group you will tackle the following questions: 

(1) Which leadership behaviors have you performed better or more frequently this week? Explain your answer. 

(2) Which behaviors did you intend to perform but were unable? Explain your answer.

(3) Which behaviors do you plan to work on in the coming weeks? Why do these behaviors seem important to you?

Here is a list of leadership behaviors you might discuss (though feel free to identify some additional leadership behaviors that you feel are important, especially those tied to what we study in the class):

speaking up about a problem facing your organization/community

calling out bad behavior or ignorance in others

developing a solution to a problem facing your community 

finding a mentor 

being a mentor 

encouraging others and honor/praise their good behavior

vision creation


cultivating self-awareness

cultivating self-regulation

managing failure

modeling and displaying good behavior (presence)

adapting behavior based on what the situation calls for

cultivating empathy and avoiding dehumanization

giving someone something they need

giving someone advice on what to do or how to be

networking with others to form partnerships

other leadership behaviors (please specify)

Weekly Quizzes based on what we discuss in class and what you read and watch outside of class (20%)

Midterm and Final Project (10% each)

For this project students will design, develop, and report on a learning community they create for translating the study of the humanities into better leadership practice.

Extra Credit?

Students may earn extra credit each week by writing detailed and thoughtful journals that are longer than 7-min. to read on