Iberian Cultures: The Mediterranean and Transatlantic Blueprint

Hashtag Description

Scalar has a “flat ontology” which means that every kind of thing in Scalar (a media object, a page, an annotation) is equal to every other thing.

Visual representation of Scalar's flat ontology

Diagram by Erik Loyer, courtesy of Scalar team.

This has some radical implications for structure and for creating relationships in Scalar.

What is a hashtag in Scalar? 

Tags are useful for connecting content thematically. 

Visual representation of Scalar tags
Diagram by Erik Loyer, courtesy of Scalar team.

The Hashtags we decided to use in this course are:

#Hibridity  : mixture, cross between two separate races, plants or cultures

#Muslim   : related to Islam.

#Christian : related to Christianity. 

#Jewish   : related to Judaism. 

#Architecture : eclectic approach; in this class we covered the #Roman (round arches, aqueducts), #Mudéjar (an architectural style blending Muslim and Christian design), the #Gothic (rib vaults, pointed arches),and #Baroque (elaborate motifs and decorations, attention-grabbing features; comes from the Portuguese term barroco which meant imperfect, coarse or uneven pearl.)

#Manuscripta book, document, or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or printed.

#Don Quixote  : The title character of the novel, Don Quixote is a gaunt, middle-aged gentleman who, having gone mad from reading too many books about chivalrous knights, determines to set off on a great adventure to win honor and glory in the name of his invented ladylove, Dulcinea.

#Painting in this class we covered the works of Francisco de Goya & Diego Velásquez. 

#Artifact an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest.

#Coin a flat, typically round piece of metal with an official stamp, used as money.

#Monarchy the monarch and royal family of a country.

#Moorish : relating to the Moors, a Muslim people of NW Africa. In the style of the Moors, as architecture or decoration.

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