How King Dorian United His Kingdom

The Journey Begins

King Dorian realized that in order to create a new system of notation, he had to understand the way music had developed over history. King Dorian carefully sifted through all of the historical records of music he could find, and he gathered evidence of musical development throughout the course of history. 

In ancient Greece he found the oldest surviving sheet music in cuneiform. This was called the Epitaph of Seikilos.  What he observed from this was that in ancient times, they used to write out the lyrics with symbols dictating the harmonic progression above the words. 

King Dorian noticed that music was able to spread much further after the printing press was invented. Musicians were finally able to share their music long distances, which made King Dorian's mission even more urgent. 

After the printing press was invented, Neumes were a common form of notation within the kingdom. Neumes were a system of notation in which melodic direction was notated using shapes arranged vertically for pitch differentiation and horizontally over the course of time. 

King Dorian decided that the best way for him to truly understand the impact of these notation styles, he needed to try and recreate them on his own. 

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