How King Dorian United His Kingdom

King Dorian Tries the Canon

Much like with imitative counterpoint, King Dorian wanted to study the techniques used in creating a canon. 

A canon is a piece of music where a melody is played and then imitated (one or more times) after a short delay.

Types of Canons: 
Round- simple canon, nursery rhymes use this
Interval canons- initial melody is transposed
         Strict- exactly the same, free- change scale degree to stay in the key
Canon by Inversion- the initial melody is played in contrary motion
Retrograde Canon- melody is played backwards
Retrograde Inversion- Melody is played backwards and in contrary motion
Accompanied canon
Simultaneous canons

One of the most famous canons in his kingdom is Pachelbel's Canon in D, and King Dorian listened to it and then copied the properties of this work to create a canon with his own melody. 


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