How King Dorian United His Kingdom

King Dorian and Tonality

After studying all of these techniques, King Dorian decided to try and create a system of notation through the lens of tonality. In his notation exercise, king Dorian creates a system of lines where the key is indicated as the tonal center by a bolder line. Above this bolder line is a dashed line representing the mediant of the key because of the tendency of music to use the mediant and arpeggiation within a piece. Above this line are two solid lines representing the perfect fourth and fifth intervals within the key. Underneath the bold line representing the tonic a squiggly line represent the leading tone of the key and hr chose a squiggly line because it is one of the most unstable scale degrees within a key and it has the tendency to move. The green line outlines the melody played in the treble voice of the piece with the length of the line acting as an indicator for note duration. Lastly, King Dorian used  roman numeral symbols underneath all of these components to represent the overall chord progressions.

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