Gospel Thrillers: Conspiracy, Fiction, and the Vulnerable Bible

Gospel Thrillers in the News

Occasionally a discovery of a "new gospel" will make headlines. Although these "discoveries" are rarely from the first century, they often tap into the same well of fears and desires that the Gospel Thrillers explore: what if the Bible as we have it is the result of shadowy forces (in the past, in the present, or both) that have kept us in the dark about "the truth" about Jesus and Christian origins? What if some new discovery is being manipulated by sinister and untrustworthy "experts" to distort the message of biblical truth? In Gospel Thrillers I look closely at three moments in which the vulnerability of the Bible burst into public consciousness and outside the realms of fiction.

In these sections I summarize briefly the circumstances of each case (for more detail, read the book!) and provide direct links to further information and discussion from biblical studies specialists, journalistic investigators, and fascinated members of the public.

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