Global May Great Britain

Friscone - Perception

Brianna Friscone
Assignment #1
                                                                     What Does It Mean to be British?
            Before arriving in London, I had a picture in my head of what a “Londoner” or English citizen looked like, acted like, and talked like. I assumed that they were fashion forward and dressed professionally. I saw them as living a very fast paced lifestyle, but with an air of formality to it. Yet at the same time I picture them having a casual side, hanging out in pubs, drinking beer and catching up with friends. I imagined that they would be very strict in their beliefs and their schedules. I assumed this based upon their set tea time every day and the fact that it is a busy, bustling city. Based upon the sound and formality of their accents, I thought that they spoke very “posh,” and that everyone sounded the same. I also thought that everyone worshiped the royal family and that everyone camped out at the wedding and obsessed over every minute detail of their lives. I assumed that every Englishman loved football and were heavy drinkers (the guys at least), but I also saw them as hard working and “business-like.” 
            My assumptions and the picture in my head were influenced by a multitude of platforms. Media was a big influencer. When I googled, “what people wear in London,” I got a lot of chic business attire, trench coats, and neutral colors. These images I found began formulating the image in my head of what a “Londoner” looked like. From this picture in my head, a spider web of actions and traits began formulating; how they walk, how they act, their hobbies, how they carry themselves. These traits may have been influenced subconsciously by past British television shows I have watched, like Sherlock and Downton Abbey. The most recent film I watched that took place in the UK was Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. The main character dressed very formally and acted in a more conserved manner. Because of this I already had this image in my head of what someone from England looked like. 
            Before coming to London, I browsed Pinterest, looking up what to pack, what to wear, how to act and what to keep in mind while abroad. I found many pictures of girls wearing rainboots and trench coats, smiling in front of a telephone booth or in front of castles. The city has a rich history and its citizens reflect that. They are proud of how far they have come but are still paving the way for the future. London is an innovative city, it was one of the first to start the Industrial Revolution and have been at the forefront of technology and inventions ever since. When tourists like me come and gawk and revel in the rich history of the country, I assumed that “Londoners” just walk by it all like it is just another day, like they have grown accustomed to the incredible environment that they live in. The assumptions I have made before arriving in London I am sure are not all true, but based on social media and television, it has become the picture that has formed in my head. 

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