Global May Great Britain

Perceptions of British People: The Typical Buck Tooth, Royal Family Loving, Brit

          The majority of my perceptions of British people came from the media and also a little from hearing rumors about the United Kingdom in school. The perceptions that I gained from the media was mostly a stereotypical view of a British person. When I would watch cartoons that had British characters, they would be depicted as having very messed up teeth and a strong British accent with a very proper dialect. A good example of these cartoon portrayals of British people are in the show Family Guy. Family Guy is known for teasing about other races and ethnicities so it makes sense that they would poke fun at the British. Whenever I see a British character on the show, they all always look the same. Once again the characters are all dressed very nice—continuing the stereotype that British people dress neatly—but also their front teeth are massive as well and of course they had a strong British accent. Shows and other media like Family Guy is what formed my basic perception of some of the assumptions I had of the British. Another assumption I would have is how proper British people are. Most British people I would see on TV would be dressed in suits or something else that is very formal. Along with dressing formal, they also are formal in their personality as well in the sense that they are very polite and proper. They are also formal by getting all dressed up for any type of event no matter how casual it might be like having tea and biscuits.
          The huge importance of the Royal Family is another assumption I had about the British. The importance of the Royal Family is so huge that it makes up all of what it really means to be British. The Royal Family is so popular in Britain that people could just see them on a daily basis because they are so open to the public. A reason behind this assumption is because of seeing videos of the Royal Family during parades and celebrations so I thought that they happened so frequently that people would be able to see them in person often. Also every British person is enraptured with the Queen to the point that anybody who talks negatively about her is looked down upon immediately.  
          When it comes to the weather in London, it is almost never pretty. Almost every day it will be either a rainy day or an overcast all throughout the day. Since it rains so often, umbrellas are the most popular item British people will own and the umbrellas are very nice and always goes well with formal wear. The temperature is also pretty chilly because of all the rain so there never really is a high temperature day, even in the summer. I remember hearing in America that a temperature of 80 degrees or higher is actually considered unusual. Sunlight too is minimal so British people rarely see sunlight and when they are exposed to sunlight, it actually can be harmful to their skin.   


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