Global May Great Britain

Ghessi - P

When I grew up I was obsessed with Harry Potter. I grew up watching the movies with my family and became enthralled by the British culture portrayed in the movies. When the final movie came out it seemed like the end of an era. Seeing the various landmarks of England throughout the movies like Kings Cross Station, the Millennium Bridge or the beautiful Gothic architecture made my interest in the country that much more profound. I learned from these movies that Brits are immensely proud of where they come from and their heritage. Just as the students in the movie are proud of their houses, people in the UK are proud of the city they are born. This is apparent by their passion for football. In high school I began to watch Premier League and Champions League soccer after traveling to Spain and being introduced to the exhilarating atmosphere.
Watching European soccer made me incredibly interested in not just the team but the individuals. I was fascinated with players like Harry Kane and David Beckham because of their demeanor, talents, and fan base. The fans were like nothing I had ever seen. I had never observed passion of that magnitude. Watching football gave me the insight that British people are Loyal and proud of where they come from. Essentially wherever you are born determines your following for life. It is very uncommon that someone born in Manchester will become a Chelsea fan. It is almost as if they would be a traitor to their hometown. However, their loyalties lie on many different levels. There is pride for one’s team and then there is pride for one’s country. When watching the world cup last year and witnessing England’s historic run, it became apparent to me that their pride was unmatched. People from all parts of the country traveled many miles just to support their team.
Lastly, being British means having a dry sense of humor. One of my favorite comedians is Jimmy Carr. I came across one of his comedy specials on Netflix and fell in love with his humor. He was so blunt and to the point. His humor was dark yet real. He said things that were so outlandish that no offense could be taken because they were so obviously jokes. I thought at first that this was only his sense of humor but then I started looking into other comedians from the UK and most had a very similar style. Comedians like Ricky Gervais and Daniel Sloss both had a deadpan style that is not similar to anything in the United States. However, in recent years, Americans have begun to appreciate this style of humor through shows like The Office. After further exploration I’ve realized that many people in the UK have similar personalities. Seeing all of this through a screen made me want to see it in person and have a true understanding of what it means to be British.  I fully expect that my perception of the UK will be transformed on this trip.


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