Health Disparities
In an article of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Chiras and Reganold's Natural Resource Conservation: Management for a Sustainable Future is referenced as defining health equity as
Within the tag family "Values, Justifications, & Motivations," in the "Food Justice" cluster.
"when all people have the opportunity to attain their full health potential and no one is disadvantaged from achieving this potential because of their social position or other socially determined circumstance."On the other hand, A Review of Community Food Security Literature defines health disparity as
a certain population bearing "a disproportionate burden of many diseases" (in this case, nutrition-related diseases).The review says that this disparity can be decreased by "increasing the community’s access to the fresh, healthy, and affordable foods necessary for an active, healthy lifestyle."
The disparity can be a difference in overall health, or rates of specific diseases, such as overweight/obesity, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, etc.
Within the tag family "Values, Justifications, & Motivations," in the "Food Justice" cluster.
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"The Hands that Feed Us" by the FoodChain Workers Alliance, "Behind the Kitchen Door" by Saru Jayaraman, Neoliberal Ebola: The agroeconomics of a deadly spillover., Opportunities for Leadership, Learning, & Impact in Ecological Health & Sustainable Communities (metadata), Video: Frontiers: Global Capital and Disease Hot Spots, Review of Community Food Security Literature and Future Directions for Addressing Community Food Insecurity in North Minneapolis (PDF), Neoliberal Ebola: The agroeconomics of a deadly spillover. (metadata), Frontiers: Global capital & disease hot spots (metadata), "The Hands that Feed Us" by the FoodChain Workers Alliance, Opportunities for Leadership, Learning, and Impact in Ecological Health and Sustainable Communities View all tags
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