Exploration in Digital Literature

The Nose

The hyperlinks that Shelley Jackson adds from the nose page to other body parts help to elaborate on significant memories. The nose is related to the feet in the way that both have adaptations for swimming. The nose blows bubbles and the feet shrivel in water to increase traction on slippery surfaces. Both bring back pleasant memories of summer swimming which was a significant part of the narrator’s childhood. The nose is also linked to the eye because when she got a nose piercing it caused her to tear up. The nose is related to the breast in how her first experimentation with sketching depicted her little brother’s mouth and nose while breast feeding from their mother. Drawing is an important hobby to the narrator, and so this anecdote explaining her initial experimentation is significant. Other hyperlinks from the nose go to the neck, hand and vagina. The hyperlinks make exploring the linkage between body parts more convenient. Also, through exploration of associated body parts, memories are elaborated on and clarified. This is impactful because it reveals the depth of the narrator’s past experiences that make her who she is today.



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