Exploration in Digital Literature

The Eyes

Each detail shared about the eye is significant because together they effectively characterize the narrator. The narrator begins by recalling how she used to experiment with her vision by covering one eye and looking around her bedroom or at her geometry teacher. By doing so, she was able to see two different worlds. Ever since that realization, she has “been haunted by the feeling that this world is insufficiently real" (Jackson). This memory reveals both the curious and philosophical nature of the narrator. She then discusses how she used to press on her closed eyelids and observe the concentric blue and orange colors of that pressure. In a similar way, she would perceive “granular bits” in the complete darkness when opening her eyes at night. Those blurs would often contort themselves into the faces of devils or clowns. This is an example of the narrator’s vivid imagination. Through the digital page on eyes, the reader is also able to access hyperlinked pages on the narrator’s interaction with migraine blindness and her visualization of the brain. The summation of every eye related memory accurately depicts prominent character traits of the narrator.

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