Exploration in Digital Literature

The Message of "My Body"

Overall, Shelley Jackson effectively portrays identity in My Body through physical exploration of anatomy. It isn’t clear who the narrator of the work is meant to be, but as Jake Boese explains, “through her zany stories and interesting illustrations the reader really gets a feel of a woman who is very creative and likes creating ridiculous and humorous stories” (Boese). The work itself comes to life through the images attached to engaging anecdotes illustrating the development of an individual. Exploring the body through the digital medium is especially impactful in how it engages the reader to investigate the narrator’s past. Electronic works are particularly rousing because “spectators get immersed in the stories and lose their critical distance from what is happening on the stage or screen” (Frasca). The reader becomes intimate with the narrator by interacting with her physical body, and this ultimately emphasizes the overall message. Our physical bodies are fully representative of our identity.


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