Surveillance: Everything you need to know as a citizen of the 21st CenturyMain MenuHistory/Origin in the United StatesA brief overview of historical surveillanceThe New WorldThe GoodPositive elements of the current surveillance infrastructureThe BadNegative consequences of modern surveillanceWhat Can We Do?Methods to protect oneself in the digital ageFurther ResourcesResources for those looking to further inform themselves on the issues of surveillance and privacyFurther, Further RescourcesFor the truly piqued or dedicatedImage CreditsMorgan Davisd23a32b95d8b7b38a2b427a228a71d3861f566e8Kayla Darbyshirea321824de28422b7216dc092b7f768d07e456037Kevin Spradlined8c65f6f347d097c772a2ae0f8913e132e4a2bcFraneisha4181acaad8c50e022caad27e7e96d32778501695
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
12016-04-19T15:36:51-07:00Morgan Davisd23a32b95d8b7b38a2b427a228a71d3861f566e894311There are very few government checks on what America’s sweeping surveillance programs are capable of doing. John Oliver sits down with Edward Snowden to discuss the NSA, the balance between privacy and security, and dick-pics.plain2016-04-19T15:36:51-07:00Morgan Davisd23a32b95d8b7b38a2b427a228a71d3861f566e8
This page has paths:
12016-04-19T14:09:32-07:00Morgan Davisd23a32b95d8b7b38a2b427a228a71d3861f566e8The New WorldMorgan Davis4plain2700252016-04-19T15:37:24-07:00Morgan Davisd23a32b95d8b7b38a2b427a228a71d3861f566e8
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12016-04-19T15:33:32-07:00Last Week Tonight: Government Surveillance1There are very few government checks on what America’s sweeping surveillance programs are capable of doing. John Oliver sits down with Edward Snowden to discuss the NSA, the balance between privacy and security, and dick-pics.plain2016-04-19T15:33:32-07:00