Surveillance: Everything you need to know as a citizen of the 21st Century

Image Credits

All images were taken from creative commons under fair use, for the educational purposes of this project. The image titles are hyperlinked to their creators' flickr pages. The description of each image also has the link.

"Boston Public Library"
by Jan David Hanrath

"Surveillance" by Jonathan McIntosh

"Surveillance" by Thomas Hawk

"Surveillance" by Jurek D

"Surveillance" by Julesw54

"Reading" by Moyan Brenn

"Image" by Michael Orth

"CJ Bonaparte" Library of Congress

"Theodore Roosevelt, 1904" Wikimedia Commons

"Cryptologic Heritage" NSACSS Archives

"America Under Communism" from: Better Red Than Dead: A Nostalgic Look at the Golden Years of RussiaPhobia, Red-baiting, and Other Commie Madness, by Michael Barson (New York: Hyperion, 1992). via Pinterest
"Gestapo" Liverpool John Moores University

"Attack on Viet Cong Camp" by Horst Faas/AP Photo, via Cherries Writer Wordpress

"Richard Nixon" US News

"George Bush Reauthorizing the Patriot Act" by Mark Wilson/Getty Images, via Aljazeera America