Is This Loss?

Ambiguity - One or the Other?

Love Poem or Break Up Note
* These two images shows that the scrolling effect of the text on the screen allows the readers to read the note as either a “love poem" or "break up note,” depending on which order one reads the lines of the text. This is an example of the narrator not being able to differentiate the meaning of the things in his life, but particularly form his family, in this section of the piece. 
*Being with the woman he met on that meeting for twenty years, the narrator is not sure what cause sudden change in his life. Not only that he cannot actually tell the meaning of the lines his wife wrote him, he but also has no choice of what the notes will bring him. Is it a strong love confession? Or is it a disappointed break up note after twenty years? This relates to our theme "Loss", or loss of emotion, choice and self, as the scene displays a conflict and an ambiguity life brings him, and slowly loses himself as a role of husband in this family.

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