Is This Loss?

Confusion and Unsureness

* As readers move the mouse across the screen, the questions appear, and an image of the woman emerges. The readers must be very confused of who she is, because she is only a random stranger who popped up from no where in the narrator's life and it seems like she has no connection to him. The questions are used as clues for the narrator himself to figure out who she is.
* When question was asked, or enough clue were collected, the readers discovers along with the narrator that  the woman in question is, in fact, the narrator’s wife, as the narrator states, “Without my being aware of it, this stranger became my wife.” Clues are important for one to figure out unsure things, but sometimes one does not have a choice if he or she wants or not want to figure out the clues. It is very possible that in some situations, such as the game "Clue" which we played in the class earlier, some players has no choice to keep the clues to themselves to guess who the murderer, location and the weapon is, because the clues are got to be shared depending on the principals of the game. And as more clues are collected, the game becomes clearer and more confusing at the same time. Similarly, in "loss of Grasp", the clues lead the narrator to a more clear result which the woman became his wife, but he had no idea how and where she came from because that was not something he can control again, or an example of losing control of his life. 

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