User Interface Overview
There are three ways to explore the project content the reader can follow to traverse the site. Two are sequential and the other spatial.Essay navigation takes the user through Bauch's own critical narrative, guided by the chapter titles at the top of the page, which open the table of contents on the left.
Slide navigation takes the user through Peabody's slideshow in its original order. The essay and slide navigation sequences do not line up, and indeed there are more essays than there are slides. The user interface does not demand that the user pick a sequence, and each page enables and encourages exploration using both.
Map navigation presents a spatial interface through which the reader can select station points that will call up corresponding photos and essays.
Additionally, top-level navigation takes the user to the homepage, search panel, bibliography, credits, and feedback.
Page parts
Below the three navigation menus at the top of the page, the page is divided into four parts. The code calls these windows (or nodes) and names them Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta.- Alpha window: content is by default the essay, but can be changed to the photo with layer options (if the Bravo window is clicked) or the map with layer options (if the Charlie window is clicked).
- Bravo window: content is the photo image of the slide, sometimes with multiple photos if the essay is connected to multiple slides. When a photo in the Bravo window is clicked, the photo is enlarged in the Alpha window and shown with clickable layer options. The Bravo window is shrunk, and the Delta window enlarges slightly to show a preview of the essay. Inside the shrunken Bravo window, the slide number (a.k.a. Station Point) is displayed, bookended by previous/next buttons corresponding to slide navigation.
- Charlie window: content is the map, shown with a Station Point (location of Peabody's camera) and the viewshed, depicted by red shading. When the map in the Charlie window is clicked, the map is enlarged in the Alpha window and shown with clickable layer options. The Charlie window is shrunk, and the Delta window enlarges slightly to show a preview of the essay.
- Delta window: by default, the content is the chapter title and the previous/next buttons corresponding to essay navigation. When the photo in the Bravo window or the map in the Charlie window is clicked, the Delta window enlarges and displays the essay title and a preview of the text itself.
Other Technical Features:
Browser requirementsContent Relationships
Inventory of JavaScript libraries and files