Bringing the Holy Land Home: The Crusades, Chertsey Abbey, and the Reconstruction of a Medieval Masterpiece

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This Object is the sword pommel of Pierre de Dreux(1187-1250) which was crafted for the Duke of Richmond and Earl of Wales Pierre de Dreux. A sword Pommel is the Knob on the Hilt of a sword which is used to assist a warrior with his sword and balance in Battle, as well as for Decorative Purposes. 

The pommel utilizes crusade period insignia on each face. One side of the pommel showcases Pierre’s family coat of arms which consists of the heraldy symbols of Dreux as well as that of Brittany, a title he obtained through his marriage to his wife, the Dutchess of Brittany. The Alternate side of the pommel houses a typical French crusade marking of the time. This image conains a large Red Cross symbolizing the wielder's Commitment to the crusader cause. This side also features vines used to symbolize life and vitality in battle.

Despite the Inherent Militaistic Nature of the Crusades, very few battle used weapons and/or Pommel exisit. Furthermore, even less of these surviving Artifacts can be indisputably attributed to a certain Historical Figure, as this Pommel is with Pierre de Dreux. 


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