Bishop Whipple
1 2016-04-15T06:32:07-07:00 Allison Cassell c346394afefd27a674eabdf697b6b22e55da1b73 9189 2 Picture File: P17428 plain 2016-04-22T13:19:10-07:00 Allison Cassell c346394afefd27a674eabdf697b6b22e55da1b73This page is referenced by:
Classical Studies Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The department of classical studies seeks to demonstrate the joy of lifelong learning- a classical liberal arts value that includes the ancient concept of balance in all activities. The department emphasizes growth in critical thinking skills and communication within a variety of cultural contexts. All majors call upon students to develop a breadth of knowledge and in-depth expertise in particular fields.
Department Head:
Dr. Heather Waddell Gruber is currently the head of the Classical Department. Heather has her Bachelor or Arts, Master of Arts, and Ph.D.Other Faculty:
- C. Mackenzie Lewis
- Barbara A. McCauley
- Olin J. Strovick
- Edward Schmoll
Majors or Minors Offered:
- Majors: Classical Studies, Latin, Latin Education
- Minors: Classical Studies, Latin, Greek
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Classical Mythology in Art and Literature
- Living Lyrics: Greek Poetry in Performance
Building: Bishop Whipple
English Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
Concordia English majors engage the world through words. By participating in an English major or minor, you equip yourself for life by learning to read challenging texts; to communicate complex ideas concisely and precisely; to use reading, research, and writing to render the ordinary extraordinary and the extraordinary ordinary.
Department Head:
Jonathan Steinwand currently heads the English Department. He has a Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts and a Ph.D.
Other Faculty:
- Dawn Duncan
- Karla Knutson
- Joan Kopperud
- Catherine McMullen
- W. Scott Olsen
- James Postema
- Vincent Reusch
- William Snyder
- David Sprunger
- Erika Strandjord
- Amy Watkin
Majors and Minors Offered:
- Major in English - Literature
- Minor in English - Literature
- Major in English - Writing
- Minor in English - Writing
- Major in English with Communication Arts/Literature Education
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- ENG 230 Introduction to Literary Scholarship
- ENG 326 British Literature: Medieval to Renaissance
- ENG 371 Editing and Grammar for Professionals
- ENG 379 Fiction Writing Seminar
- ENG 451 Postcolonial Literatures
Classes are currently held in Bishop Whipple Hall or Grose Hall
Every year, the English department participates in a Literary March Madness. Subjects range from authors, to books, to characters competing against each other.
Fun Fact: -
Norwegian and Scandinavian Studies Present (2015-2016)
Department Head:
The mission of the Norwegian and Scandinavian Studies Program is to provide a firm foundation of Norwegian language and culture and to acquaint students with the Nordic region. Students develop an understanding of how Nordic countries make a difference in the political, economic, environmental and cultural arenas in the world.
Department Head:
Milda Halvorson currently heads the Norwegian and Scandinavian Studies Department. She has a Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, and a Ph.D.
Other Faculty:
- George Connell
- Joy Lintelman
- Heidi Goldberg
Majors and Minors Offered:
- Major in Scandinavian Studies
- Minor in Scandinavian Studies
- Minor in Norwegian
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- NORW 111 Beginning Norwegian
- NORW 211 Intermediate Norwegian
- SCAN 215 Scandinavian Fiction and Art
- SCAN 271 Scandinavian Mythology and the Viking Age
- SCAN 338 Kierkegaard: Philosophy, Literature and Film
Classes are currently held in Old Main and Bishop Whipple.
The Norwegian and Scandinavian Studies department offered many study abroad options including semesters at Hedmark University College, Norway, and Telemark University College, Norway, among other options.
Fun Fact: -
Chinese Past
Department Description:
The mission of the Chinese program at Concordia College is to enable students to gain a global vision and sensitivity to other cultures by promoting enjoyment of learning Chinese and nurturing students' knowledge of Chinese culture and civilization. (Quoted from the 2009-2010 Concordia College course catalog).
Department Head:
Jonathan P. Clark was the head of the Chinese department at this point in time while it was still under the management of other language departments. He has a Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts and a Ph.D, all related to the German language.Other Faculty:
- Tao Ming
Majors and Minors Offered:
- No majors and minors offered at this point in time.
- Beginning and Intermediate Mandarin Chinese were being offered
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Chinese 111 Beginning Chinese
- Chinese 211 Intermediate Chinese
- Chinese 380 Special Topics
- Chinese 480 Independent Study
Classes were held in Bishop Whipple or Grose Hall
The Chinese department began with no majors or minors of its own but was a part of the Global Studies program which is an interdisciplinary program geared towards studying various cultures and regions.
Fun Fact: -
Philosophy Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
Faculty in philosophy join students in a mutual search for wisdom. Students participate fully in the ongoing conversations that define philosophy as a discipline. Successful graduates of the department will develop critical inquiry skills.
Department Head:
Dr. Richard Gilmore is the current head of this department. Dr. Gilmore has earned his Bachelor of Art, Master of Art, and his Ph.D.
Other Faculty:
- Corwin S. Aragon
- George B. Connel
Majors or Minors Offered:
- Philosophy major and minor offered.
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Seeking Justice in an Unjust World
- Ancient Philosophy
- Environmental Ethics
Building: Bishop Whipple
Humanities Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The program in the humanities is designed to permit study of a clearly articulated topic of investigation that arises from study in the humanities and addresses large human questions with an interdisciplinary approach. Although studies in the humanities are the basis of the program, courses from any department may be included in the program. (Quoted from the 2015-2016 course catalog)
Department Head:
Geroge Connell is involved in many programs on Concordia's campus, and he currently heads the Humanities department. He has a Bachelor of Arts, a Master of Music, and a D.M.A, or a Doctor of Musical Arts degree.
Other Faculty:
- Matthew Lindholm
- Donald Rice
- Amy Watkin
Majors and Minors Offered:
- Major in Humanities
- Minor in Humanities
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Specific courses are not indicated since courses and departments were approved by a council on an individual basis.
- Courses must be selected from at least two different departments.
Courses could be held in any building across Concordia's campus, but may have been held in Bishop Whipple Hall and Grose Hall.
Humanities was removed as a major in the Spring of 2016, however, students will still be able to take courses related to humanities over the next two years.
Fun Fact: -
Russian Studies Present (2009-2010)
Department Description:
The Russian Studies major was established as part of Concordia's emphasis on international education and in response to a critical national need for highly trained Russian-area specialists. The major is designed to educate students in both Russian-area studies and advanced Russian language skills. It is an interdisciplinary program, drawing from the departments of French and Russian, history, religion and English. (Quoted from the 2009-2010 course catalog, the final year the major was offered).
Department Head:
Madelyn C. Burchill headed the Russian Studies department in the last year that a major was available. She had a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts.Other Faculty:
- W. Vincent Arnold
- Roy Hammerling
Majors and Minors Offered:
- Major in Russian Studies
- Minor in Russian Studies
- Major in Russian Studies with a Minor in International Business
- Major in International Business in Russian Studies
- Russian Studies Major with a Teaching License, Grades K-12
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Courses have been significantly decreased at this point in time.
- RUSS 211 Intermediate Russian
- REL 327 Eastern Orthodoxy
Classes were most likely held in Bishop Whipple Hall and Grose Hall
Chinese Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The mission of the Chinese program at Concordia College is to enable students to gain a global vision and sensitivity to other cultures by promoting enjoyment of learning Chinese and nurturing students' knowledge of Chinese culture and civilization. (Quoted from the 2015-2016 course catalog)
Department Head:
Tao Min has taught in the Chinese department since its creation, and currently heads the department. He has a Bachelor of Arts, a P.R. from China, a M.A.P.R from China, a Master of Arts and a Ph.D.There are currently no other faculty specified to teach in the Chinese department.
Majors or Minors Offered:
- Major in Chinese
- Minor in Chinese
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- CHIN 211 Intermediate Chinese
- CHIN 311 Chinese Conversation and Composition
- CHIN 312 Advanced Writing and Conversation
- CHIN 385 Topics in Chinese Society
- CHIN 395 Cooperative Education at the Concordia Language Village
Classes are currently held in Bishop Whipple Hall or Grose Hall
The Chinese department is part of the larger World Languages and Cultures department which houses many of the individual language departments in order to form collaboration between all languages.
Fun Fact:
Russian Studies Past
Department Description:
The Russian Studies major was established as part of Concordia's emphasis on international education and in response to a critical national need for highly trained Russian-area specialists. The major is designed to educate students in both Russian-area studies and advanced Russian language skills. it is a multi-disciplinary program, drawing from the departments of French and Russian, history, religion, and English. (Quoted from the 1993-1994 course catalog)
Department Head:
Kasia M. Urban specialized in teaching Russian. She had a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts.Other Faculty:
- W. Vincent Arnold
- James Haney
- George Larson
Majors and Minors Offered:
- Major in Russian Studies
- Minor in Russian Studies
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- RUS 111, 112 Beginning Russian
- RUS 211, 212 Russian Civilization
- RUS 341 Literature Since the 19th Century
- HIST 331 Imperial Russia
Classes were most likely held in Bishop Whipple Hall or Grose Hall.
Fun Fact:
Russian was originally a part of the modern languages department in 1958. It was combined with the French department in 1971 and finally became an independent department in 1993.