Concordia College Department Histories

Humanities Present (2015-2016)

Department Description:

The program in the humanities is designed to permit study of a clearly articulated topic of investigation that arises from study in the humanities and addresses large human questions with an interdisciplinary approach. Although studies in the humanities are the basis of the program, courses from any department may be included in the program. (Quoted from the 2015-2016 course catalog)

Department Head:


Geroge Connell is involved in many programs on Concordia's campus, and he currently heads the Humanities department. He has a Bachelor of Arts, a Master of Music, and a D.M.A, or a Doctor of Musical Arts degree.

Other Faculty:

Majors and Minors Offered:

Sampling of Courses Taught:

Courses could be held in any building across Concordia's campus, but may have been held in Bishop Whipple Hall and Grose Hall.


Fun Fact:

Humanities was removed as a major in the Spring of 2016, however, students will still be able to take courses related to humanities over the next two years.

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