Concordia College Department Histories

Chinese Past

Department Description:

The mission of the Chinese program at Concordia College is to enable students to gain a global vision and sensitivity to other cultures by promoting enjoyment of learning Chinese and nurturing students' knowledge of Chinese culture and civilization. (Quoted from the 2009-2010 Concordia College course catalog).

Department Head:

Jonathan P. Clark was the head of the Chinese department at this point in time while it was still under the management of other language departments. He has a Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts and a Ph.D, all related to the German language.

Other Faculty:

Majors and Minors Offered:

Sampling of Courses Taught:

Classes were held in Bishop Whipple or Grose Hall


Fun Fact:

The Chinese department began with no majors or minors of its own but was a part of the Global Studies program which is an interdisciplinary program geared towards studying various cultures and regions.

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