Companies of the Fort Missoula CCC District

Company 3281

Company 3281 was organized in 1939, at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The Company spent time in Montana. They created their Company Review while stationed at Camp F-75, near Philipsburg, Montana. The Company arrived at Philipsburg in 1939 and was assigned the project of constructing camp grounds.

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Company 3281, CCC, was organized at Fort Dix, New Jersey, on April 3, 1939, with First Lieut. George W. Warren in Command.

On April10 the Company left Fort Dix for Philipsburg, Montana, arriving Thursday, April 13. Technical service trucks met the train at Philipsburg and after a ride of nine miles the enrollees arrived at the mouth of Flint Creek Canyon where their visions of roughing it in the Montana Rockies were soon dispelled because they found a modern and fully equipped camp in which all buildings were furnished with running water and commercial power.

The present staff consists of Mr. Cyril E. Rozea, who has been in command since September 1, 1939; Dr. Clyde E. Shank, Camp Surgeon; Mr. Kenneth B. Moore, Education Adviser.

This camp has been active in many projects, some of which are as follows: The construction of campground sites, the largest being the Foster Creek Camp ground, which contains fifty-seven acres and is the largest in Region One. The construction of two ranger stations and administrative buildings at Philipsburg. Other accomplishments are mostly improvements on the Deerlodge Forest; fence construction; telephone construction, roadside cleanup; landscaping around the Philipsburg range Station; lookout construction, trail and road construction. The sign shop had made hundreds of routed signs for the Deerlodge Forest, and in addition, has constructed all the equipment and tables that have been placed in the camp grounds.

The company, due to the fact that it is the only Forest Service camp in the Butte, Anaconda, and Deerlodge area, has built up quite a reputation as a fire fighting unit. Last summer fires were fought throughout the Deerlodge Forest and as far north and south as Kalispell and Yellowstone Park.
  • Campground construction
  • Ranger station construction
  • Fence construction
  • Telephone line construction
  • Landscaping
  • Lookout construction
  • Trail and road construction
  • Fire fighting

  • Cyril E. Rozea - Company Commander
  • Kenneth B. Moore - Educational Adviser
  • H. D. Halpin - Project Superintendent
  • J. M. Buckhouse - Assistant to Technician
  • W. E. Bruns - Foreman
  • Abe Dringer - Machine Operator
  • R. V. Rammel - Foreman
  • W. B. Russell - Foreman
  • F. T. Everin - Foreman
  • Mickey - Mascot

Melvin Abramson, Frank Aiello, Harry Aslstedt, Walter Bader, John Barry, Joseph Barry, Richard Barry, Andrew Bauer, Frank Bednarski, James Bennett, Stephen Bogusky, Stephen Bolash, William Boyd, Patrick Bozza, Matthew Bratkowski, Peter Brennan, John Burns, Bart Calato, Armand Carinci, Benedict Cavalier, Joseph Choflet, Marvin Cooke, Robert Connell, Frank Covell, James Covert, Fred Crawford, Thomas Cummings, Walter Cummings, Andrew de Chario, Raymond De Groat, Paul Dekanek, Alexander Delginski, Frederick Denham, Paul Derico, John Di Domenico, Lenard Di Orio, August Dolashewich, James Dorsey, James Durkin, Eubert Egerton, Irving Ehrenwald, Sol Eisenberg, David Eisenstein, Robert Emerson, George Enright, Steve Foriss, Anthony Francisco, Fred Freytag, Joseph Gallo, Bernard Garrand, Gilman Gates, Thomas Giblin, Ralph Gizzi, Michael Glynn, Thomas Glynn, Anthony Gospodar, Walter Green, Joseph Grispino, Frank Hauschildt, Edward Hayes, George Heine, Leroy Hendrickson, John Horton, William Hunt, Anthony Kachmarsky, John Kelly, William Kennedy, Howard Kirk, John Kovalchuck, Edward Kulnisz, Adam Kurasiewicz, John Leahon, William Leary, John Leote, George Lisk, William Lynch, Martin Lysaght, John Malgady, Hugo Mantone, Morris Marcus, Joseph Margotta, Joseph Mc Collum, Fred Mc Menamin, Fred Moore, John Mullen, John Murphy, Patrick J. E. Murphy, Raymond Murphy, John Naimo, Thomas Nestor, Frank Pantano, Robert Parker, James Pelham, Richard Pemberton, Joseph Picklow, Chester Poplowski, John Provaznik, Anthony Reiches, George Reid, John Reiff, Warren Reynolds, Leon Riess, Norman Rodahl, John Rooney, Joseph Rudys, Antonio Russo, Louis Rzamojta, John Savich, Stanton Sellers, William Serbay, Kenneth Shelly, John Simonetti, Ernest Simpson, Carl Slintak, Cornelius Smith, Robert Smith, William Sobiesiak, Joseph Spada, Ralph Sposato, Sam Stern, John Stevens, Qupert Stevens, David Stewart, Joseph Stilwell, Jacob Tannenbaum, Ira Tansey, Ellis Thayer, Raymond Thompson, Emil Tobias, Martin Tobias, Arthur Tolda, Robert Tompkins, Bernard Towarewicz, Robert Turley, Paul Ulrich, Charles Valentine, Boyd Van Tassell, Dominick Vasta, William Wagner, Frank Wait, Edward Walsh, Ernest Wallace, Theodore Walliser, Arthur Ward, William Weller, Alexander Wilson, Lino Zarantonello, William Zeman, Raymond Zustra.

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