Colorado State Hospital

Campus Map

The Colorado State Mental Hospital is located in western Pueblo which has now become an area dominated by modern housing. Originally the vast emptiness surrounding the Hospital made it one of the only discernable features of this area, but now the densely populated area around even makes it difficult to find. The map below shows the campus of the Colorado State Hospital as well as a large unused swathe of land to the north. The constant expansion of the hospital resulted in them quickly using all their available space on their original property. 

The expansion of the hospital was the chief reason they eventually spread their campus to the north throughout the 40's and 50's. The map above was drawn in 1936 and interestingly does not show that the State Hospital had mad their move to the northern field. Today however, most of the campus that remains in function is located to the north, a few blocks away from the original campus. 

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