Cleveland's Nonprofit All-Stars

Chapter 3: Earned Income Tax Credit Scholarly Journal

The Earned Income Tax Credit: Capitalizing on Tax Incentives, published by the Office of Disability Employment Policy in 2010, discusses the logistics of which the Earned Income Tax Credit program capitalizes on tax incentives. While this article talks about the EITC as a whole, it applies to the Cuyahoga EITC. The Office of Disability Employment discusses the terms of the program and who it helps, along with how certain standards and regulations help with the taxes of the low/middle class families who utilize the help of the EITC. Among of the most important pieces of information of the article outlines are the three major purposes of the EITC: (1) to reduce the tax burden on low-income workers, (2) to provide a work incentive, and (3) to supplement wages.

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The Cuyahoga Earned Income Tax Credit utilizes its volunteers in various ways. The positions that volunteers hold are: Greeter, tax preparer, translator, tax site coordinator, call center and appointment setting specialist. These volunteers must complete an online training module, an in person training prior to their involvement, and a test. The greeter welcomes the customers to the location as well as signs people's in and aiding the clients fill out any required documents. They are committed to volunteer once per week at a tax site. The tax preparer prepares tax returns and is supposed to commit to a tax site for 3 to 5 hours twice a month. The translator works with the greeter and tax preparers when their services is required. They are supposed to commit for 3-5 hours once a week. The tax site coordinator: supervises the volunteers and clients during the tax site ensuring that the rules are followed and executed as meant to be. They are supposed to volunteer for 10-20 hours a week 1-3 days a week. They are required to have “advanced tax law, and Site Coordinator certifications” Cuyahoga income tax credit’s training resources are elaborate. They have three introductory lessons, they have thirteen tax law videos for all preparers, and then six more lessons that are additional tax law vides for advanced level preparers.

The visions of The Cuyahoga income tax credit are: community leaders uniting for the betterment of low-income families, for low-income families to take advantage of programs that are “asset building resources; Neighborhoods that are free from predatory financial practices.” (Cuyahoga income tax credit.). They fulfill these visions by:

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