Cleveland's Nonprofit All-Stars

Chapter 3: Cuyahoga Earned Income Tax Credit Map


Another social service institution that we believed deserved an All-Star Status is: The Cuyahoga Income Tax Credit. They are aware of the struggles that low income persons have in their community due to their lack of knowledge the process of filing taxes. So they   chose to alleviate their problems by allowing them to receive all of their refund that is accredited to them. The EITC is established in order “ (1) to reduce the tax burden on low-income workers, (2) to provide a work incentive, and (3) to supplement wages.” (office of disability Employment Policy, U.s. department of labor ). Because of  Cuyahoga Income Tax Credit low income persons have been able to “ claim this credit, resulting in tens of billions of dollars in tax refunds.” (office of disability Employment Policy, U.s. department of labor ). This is important granted that 1 in 5  persons in Cuyahoga County are in living in poverty.

The amount of donors they pull

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