This path was created by Morgan Seelinger Garland.  The last update was by Aimie Michelle Taylor.

Changing Landscapes: From "The ASU Story" to Modern A-State


Arkansas State University keeps a wide variety of statistics on the makeup of campus for reporting purposes.  One of the most important set of statistics is that of enrollment.  While this data potentially exists from the opening of the university, for the purposes of this project the years detailed will range from 1979-2017.  These figures can be found in the ASU System Factbooks from the various years and represent numbers from the Fall semester enrollment.  By looking at these figures, one can gain a glimpse of how the physical landscape of the student body has changed over these many years. Two categories have been omitted from being displayed in table form, as they are somewhat nebulous groupings - "Two or More Ethnicity" and "Ethnicity Unknown".  Other categories have been combined as they have changed names over the years - such as "Black, Non-Hispanic and African American" and "Nonresident Alien and International".  The exact numbers for each separate category can be found in the various years of the Arkansas State University System Factbook for that year [1].

[1] Arkansas State University Office of Institutional Effectiveness, "ASU System Factbook,", Factbook information for years 2000-2001 through 2016-2017 are available for download; all demographic information on following pages have been compiled from this source.

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