Capturing O'Neill: Dedication pages of books on Irish traditional music, signed by Capt. Francis O'Neill

Patrick Powell

To Patrick Powell
Tulla Co Clare
Compliments of the Author
Capt Francis O'Neill
Chicago USA
Nov 10 -13

A Patrick Powell is mentioned in O'Neill's Irish Minstrels and Musicians in an entry on fiddler Martin Clancy (pg. 391 in the 1973 edition) as "our friend Patrick Powell of Tulla, Co. Clare." There is record of someone of this name, aged 20, having sailed aboard the Germanic and arrived at Ellis Island on the 7th of August ,1903. According to census records of 1901, this may be the son of John and Nora Powell, shopkeepers in Tulla, who lived at house #82 and had four children. If so, he arrived at Ellis Island with $8 in his pocket, intending to stay with his brother Thomas, who was listed as living in 380 West Taylor Street in Chicago. Thomas had paid for his passage on the Germanic.  Patrick, in the 1910 census, was living as a boarder with the Hynes family on Chicago's Washington Blvd., was employed as a laborer for the Street Railway, and had become a naturalized citizen. Further, there are naturalization records for a Patrick J. Powell on June 4th, 1910, and a Patrick Powell in the Tulla burial register, died August 10th, 1949.

From the personal collection of Mark Redmond.


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