Coed Ball
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November 12, 1916
I don’t seem to be able to follow this up closely. Here it is two weeks since I wrote here, and late of things of interest have happened. I didn’t get any prize for my fruit basket, and I knew I wouldn’t for it was very inconspicuous when I had finished. I couldn’t fix it with so many folks around, and I really didn’’t have enough fruit – but I have the fruit to eat now anyway – which serves a purpose.
Last weekend Homer Aker surprised me. He was in town and took me to a show and “eat afterward.” I had to listen to all the improvements made in Camas since September, and all the honors and responsibilities placed upon him in his new position. It was very interesting. Dorcas Elliot tho’t he was coming down the week before, and therefore she spent the weekend in Portland. But I don’t know how she came not to be with him when he was here. Evidently she had a date. I wanted to ask him whether I was second third or fourth choice, when he called – then I tho’t since he was just here for a day or so, it would be mean to act that way – so I never let on but that I thought I was first choice – so listen to his tales.
Sabbath day Mr. Brandthoover came up and took me to Mrs. Maxie’s for quartet practice. I have joined the church chior again and Mrs. Maxie put me in as soprano in the quartet. Miss Cheney is alto, Mrs. Branthoover is tenor and Mr. Boone is bass. Mr. Boone isn’t a very lively musician and I think Mrs. Maxie will change his part and give it to some one else, probably Mr. Frink.
Friday night was the Co-Ed Ball. I took two of my freshman sisters Mabelle Davis and Katherine Riddle. The other two were taken care of. That is Lilia Stutz didn’t go and May Hannah went with Cora Campbell. I danced every dance but one – and even waltzed with the Dean. I stepped on her feet once – and she looked down at my feet. I know I burned clear to my ears, for I had on what tennis shoes and they didn’t look as beautiful as dainty high heel slippers. She always wears such high heeled things that she made me feel, just by looking, that I was very inappropriately dressed. She didn’t have to lead all evening, or she wouldn’t have looked that way. I wore them for comfort, for I remember my experience of last year and I didn’t want any sore feet like them again.
Since writing in here last, I have celebrated my twenty-fifth birthday. It sounds real old but I don’t feel so old. I voted on my birthday for Hughes for president and Wilson was re-elected. Maybe mu choice was ill advised. Any kind of a change ought to be better than these hard times with everything we eat and wear soaring so high we can’t get them. But no doubt Wilson couldn’t help it. There are a lot of crazy bets being paid off these days.
I had a big birthday dinner and celebration here Tuesday night, the 7th, with Miss Frances, Mabelle Davis, Mabel Dallas, Lilia Stutz as, out of the Hall guests and several other guests from the girls in the Hall. There were twenty one at the table. Amy really did the whole thing. I don’t know what I would have done without her. I had a six o’ clock class – but she cut a class, came home fixed the tables, made the salad and put it on the tables for me. She also gave me two beautiful bouquets of chrysanthemums and Miss Frances gave me one bouquet. Amy gave me an OAC seal pin and took me to see “The Birth of a Nation”. She is the best roommates any girl ever had. No one could be more thoughtful than she is of me. I’m so blessed I never think of doing nice little things for her until it is too late.
Today we have had perfectly beautiful sunshine but the wind has been very penetrating. It went right thru me when I was out walking with Al this afternoon. We could see the snow capped peaks today. They were beautiful. We stopped in to see Mrs. Stutz for a few minutes to thank her for my wandering jew. She asked me to take dinner with her next Sabbath. After that I went to the church for chior practice, then to Mrs. Maxie’s for tea, back to League and Church. The quartet sang for church. Mrs. Maxie said we did all right.
During the course of our chat out walking this afternoon Al said “It is easy to be seen that you won’t play second fiddle to any one’s orchestra.” I guess he hit it then. I know he has a lady fair in the East and he knows I know it – and I won’t let him take any liberties with me. It’s enough to walk and talk. He doesn’t know but that I still write to Mr. Bennett and it won’t hurt him to continue thinking so.