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5/11/1949 - Editorial
12016-03-08T22:57:31-08:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae1574612WRITTEN BY: OSC Daily Barometer’s Editors | PUBLISHED BY: OSC Daily Barometer | DATE: May 11, 1949 | TYPE OF ARTICLE: Editorial | CONTENTS: Editorial regarding talk around the OSC campus about President Strand attending the Wallace “Peace Forum” in Portland for the sole purpose of spying on Oregon State professors and students. The editorial concludes, “Anyone feeling he was being spied upon because he attended a rally outside of the majority belief must be a trifle ashamed that he attended the gathering or he would not be afraid to be seen there.”plain2016-03-12T20:53:45-08:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae15
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12016-02-20T00:43:02-08:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae15Local Reaction to the DismissalsAdrienne Engle18gallery2485402016-03-16T14:10:51-07:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae15