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2/16/1949 - Future at Stake
12016-03-06T23:42:22-08:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae1574612WRITTEN BY: Maxine Yoder | PUBLISHED BY: OSC Daily Barometer | DATE: Feb. 16, 1949 | TYPE OF ARTICLE: Letter to the Editor | CONTENTS: “It is extremely important that the students of Oregon State college should be aware of the significance to them of the action taken by the administration in refusing to renew the contracts of two of our faculty members and refusing to give reasons for doing so. The administration will agree that in neither case is incompetency involved. Since both men have been very active in the Progressive Party, we may assume that their political activity is the sole cause.”plain2016-03-09T00:58:16-08:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae15
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12016-02-20T00:43:02-08:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae15Local Reaction to the DismissalsAdrienne Engle18gallery2485402016-03-16T14:10:51-07:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae15