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2/16/1949 - Editor's Reply
12016-03-06T23:37:58-08:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae1574611WRITTEN BY: The Editors of The Daily Barometer, most notably Allen Reed, as the note is signed “A.R.” | PUBLISHED BY: OSC Daily Barometer | DATE: Feb. 16, 1949 | TYPE OF ARTICLE: Editorial | CONTENTS: The editors of that Daily Barometer post their own reply to letters that were written in, and published in the same day’s issue. They note by name the letters from Mr. Summers (“Freedom Doesn’t Exist”) and Miss Yoder (“Future at Stake”). “When the interests of a small group conflicts with the will of the majority, wherever people gather together, it is customary that the few give way to the great majority, that is, unless they desire to impress their interests in the majority by force. . . it is only natural that an institution supported by the majority should follow the beliefs of that majority--which is tolerance within the bounds of American democracy.”plain2016-03-06T23:37:59-08:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae15
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12016-02-20T00:43:02-08:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae15Local Reaction to the DismissalsAdrienne Engle18gallery2485402016-03-16T14:10:51-07:00Adrienne Engle1e8579e03f69bc65fd3942292ab931a5f700ae15